Mechanical constraints and force transmission play an essential role in multicellular living organisms

They are regulating basic biological processes such as morphogenesis, tumor metastasis and tissue repair. Cell adhesions, coupled to the contractile cytoskeleton, are major sites of force transmission in cells. This mechanical coupling which enables cells to sense, signal, and respond to physical changes in the environment, has however been largely understudied. In this context, we are studying the cooperation between adhesion, mechanical and biochemical signaling for the adaptation of living cells to changes in their physical environment at various scales, from single molecules to tissues.

Adhesion complexes

We study the molecular bases of mechanosensing and mechanotransduction at cadherin-mediated adherens junctions.

Single cells

We study force sensing and mechanotransduction at integrin-mediated cell-extracellular matrix and cadherin-mediated cell-cell adhesions.

Cell assemblies

We study the collective behavior of cells in the context of tissue homeostasis but also in cell polarity and migration.


We study how differentiating epithelial cells, integrating microenvironment cues, maintain cohesion, and establish and maintain apico-basal polarity.

LATEST           NEWS

From Cells to Embryo – ITMO BCDE

From Cells to Embryo – ITMO BCDE

16-18 november 2020, Paris

The pathways leading from cells to embryo are highly complex. They involve among others steps of cell determination, patterning, cellular and organ morphogenesis, processes that are tightly controlled and coordinated in space and time. However, during the last decade, this field has benefited from major findings in the understanding of epigenetics, gene regulatory networks, mechanobiology, mechanisms of cell specification among others, and also from technical advances such as single cell omics. This symposium will address state-of-the-art research in this field, both in animals and plants. It will feature keynote and invited lectures, and selected short talks and posters. The symposium is organized at the initiative of the Multi-Organization Thematic Institute Cell Biology, Development & Evolution (ITMO – BCDE). See the composition of the Scientific Organization Committee. The meeting will take place on November 16 – 18, 2020 on the Université Paris-Diderot campus, located in the center of Paris, hosting around 180 participants, and providing opportunities for extensive interactions in a friendly and comfortable environment.  Short talks will be selected by the organizers (applicants will be informed around October 1st) and two poster sessions will be organized. The call for abstracts will be open in the first quarter of 2020 (Deadline for sending your abstract: September 15th, 2020)


Postdoc offer on cell and tissue mechanics

Postdoc offer on cell and tissue mechanics

A 3 years founded post-doctoral position is open in the Ladoux-Mège Lab (, Institut Jacques Monod (, Université Paris Cité- CNRS.

René-marc Mège & Benoît Ladoux

Université Paris Cité / CNRS

15 rue Hélène Brion - Building Buffon
75205 Paris Cedex 13 - France

René-Marc Mège

Benoît Ladoux

+33 (0)157278071